Tuesday, March 9, 2010

two in one day....

if you are churched. attend church, raised in church, understand the christianese language that most of you know. watch this and it kind of explains some of the stuff that i have been contemplating.

it is 18 minutes or so...

well, it has been a while...

it has been a while... this post is going to be in segments. catching up, what's new, spiritual stuff...

catching up
there are a multitude of reasons why i haven't posted in a long time. 1) i am busy! 2) i am pretty focused and this has lost some interest to me. 3) i feel like i have not had anything new to say.
our company is busy! like crazy blessing for our business. i can not explain it, although i am more focused...i still can not explain random people calling US in order to buy chemicals. typically, we call and we call and we call on potential customers before we hear anything! these days, it seems like once a week, there is someone calling needing something from us.

what's new
the family is great! for eric, baseball is starting this weekend. for kinley, soccer starts this weekend. i can't wait to see my little girl's first shot at organized athletics!! we are still at james river and feel like it is where we are supposed to be for now. we are leading a life group (not through jra, but a combo of people) and it is going really well. it grew some what stale for a while, i took some time off from leading and now it is kind of a shared responsibility. it seems to be going better now. the potter's house ministry is going really well. i am coming up on an anniversary as a board member there. i enjoy being on the backside of ministry there. for me, i have always been a hands on, lead the front line type of guy. with potters, it is teaching me the back side of things. how to lead from behind the scenes. honestly, it doesn't feel natural at all, it is challenging for me. it almost feels ineffective at times, mostly because it is harder to measure the effectiveness. it takes more effort to see the effects...it takes connectedness, which takes time and effort...

spiritual stuff
i don't know where to start. i'm learning and being challenged. words like gospel and kingdom are challenging me. hayward (happy birthday by the way!) has introduced me to these topics and the lens he, and some others, are looking into. what are they? what do they mean? not confined by traditions...but defined by what the word of God says. it is challenging a lot that i though i knew.
i feel like God is growing in my life. He is trying to get my attention on some things. one of the things is, i don't know as much as i thought i did. hum, that is funny to look at...but it is true. all i know is skewed by where and how i learned it. it isn't until i strip all of that away and learn from the Truth, that i know anything??? make sense? either way, i'm looking forward to what He has in store.

that is about it for now. see ya in another couple of months. :-)