Wednesday, August 13, 2008

patience...what a beating!!

i learned pretty early on after becoming a Christ follower...NEVER pray for patience!!  so i havent...ever that i remember.  now, i am not a patient person.  i want things now and i want them my way.  it is the way i am....i am pretty competitive, i hate to lose...i consider myself to be somewhat driven, not always by the greatest things...that is pretty much who i am.

so, i am on the way to a potential customer this morning.  this is a piece of business i have spent a lot of time and money on.  i was going out there with no appointment, only an email that was announcing my visit.(this is typically ok at this place)  but i had not gotten an answer from them.  now, we are down to "nut cutting" today, this is the day.  (there are several things leading up to this that are both unimportant and non-essential to the story...but i know this is the day!)

about half way there, i decide to call to double answer.  left a message.  kept going.  about 30 miles past that point...i get an email.  3 words..."not this week"  i am like, WTH!!  i said a few choice words and looked for a place to turn around.  the guy could not answer his call, nor call me back, nor could he explain anything about any circumstances.....just "not this week".  now, at this point i am new business for daniel.  all this work down the drain!!  not a happy camper, to say the least!

then it hits me, earlier on the trip.  i said to the Lord, what ever you want is fine...if you want me to get this account, i will glorify you financially.  i am for you...BUT if not, it is your will.  i am fine with that. 
now, that sounds good...but i will be honest.  i had to get over being mad first...then, i just started talking.  talking to God, what is it that you want me to do?  i thought this was the deal, what is the deal?!!?  i am pouring myself into this at this point, people think i am nuts as they are driving by.   no blue tooth here baby, i am flat out crazy!  talking to this invisible God, trying to AND expecting to get answers.  no answers....just a reminder that he is more than enough.

i start talking with schawo, and he keeps saying....maybe the Lord is teaching you patience.  right after that, the potential customer calls....???  he apologizes and says things look great for me, come in next week.  come on!  seriously, coincidence????  

here is the funny part, or stupid part, depends on how you look at it.  i left still not sure what the Lord was saying to me.  still not convinced.  i will spare the details, b/c this post is already longer than i like, but it took the whole afternoon, 3 trips to the hardware store, (to get the same part) while trying to install a dishwasher.  it took all of that to realize...patience.  for every situation in your life daniel, that is what i want from you!  

you see, He did answer.  in His time!!  from reading this verse about discipline, i wonder how long He has been teaching me this?  a while i think.  i want to get where i hear Him the first time...

what is He teaching you?  what is He disciplining you for?  mine is a lack of patience.
 (get an account and post a response...i know some of you are reading and not joining in)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It has kind of gotten to be ajoke int he Christian community - "Never pray for patience"!!!! But it is another one of those things that we definitely need to work on. I am one of the least patient people on earth. But - so many times I can look back and see God working int he midst of my frenzy!!! My prayer is to wait - let God be God. Trust more - worry less. Remember it is all His. He has earned the right to do with me whatever He wants. Now if He would just hurry up!!!!!!!