Monday, November 10, 2008


whith christmas right around the corner...the question of consumerism has been rattling around my head. i dont know if you remember the video i posted a while back, but it was on the story of stuff pretty powerful if you havent watched, go now and then come back and finish this.

here is why it has me thinking...we (kim, the kids and i) have been searching for a church. (i use the word searching pretty lightly) we have been looking for a church and really enjoy
jra. i have come to grips with the fact that it is a mega-church. you know the thing about it though, is the pastor TEACHES the word of God. he isnt a preacher, he is a teacher...that is huge for us. we love the kids programs, the music is really good...but if i am not careful, i will (and sometimes do) become a consumer of God. the great services have effect on me, but then i look for another to lift me back up. i enjoy this guy, but not the other guy. i like when someone leads worship more than someone else and i become a shopper to the things of God.

instead of being consumed by God, i become a consumer... HUGE difference in the economy of God. God is not looking for consumers, He is looking for those who are willing to be consumed by Him for His glory! the greatest part for you and me? we get God and we get to play a supporting role in His-story! that to me, seems much more invigorating, much more vital, much more appealing than just sitting idly by and shopping the things of God and consuming what we want...

just a little monday morning rant for you! lol i have to get it all out here before this weekend. i am speaking at a d-now in springfield this weekend. so, lots of thoughts and ideas going through my little brain.

be consumed!

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