Friday, December 12, 2008


i went to jra on wed. night, curt preached a message that has stuck with me  this week.  it is something the Lord has been teaching me for a while now.   the idea is, do we only expect God to show up in the sensational environments...and if we do, do we miss Him in the ordinary.  in the day to day things of life, do we miss Him.

it got me to my blog an accurate depiction of who i am, or is it a highlight reel?  this guy, whom i do not personally know but his is my favorite blog to read, is challenging me on the topic of, honesty and transparency.  so, i went back and looked through some of my post.  and THEN i looked at the gaps between some of the posts, and i thought about that time.  where was i?  what was i doing?  
here is the bottom line, i am not a super smart spiritual person.  i yell at my kids when i am in a hurry and they all of a sudden decide to be the slowest human beings on the face of the planet, i cuss enough to make a sailor blush on certain days, i look out for number one most of the time, there are way more days that i dont read my bible and dont have profound thoughts than days that i do, i love stuff!, tv's, phones, toys...etc...   
i guess that really isnt the bottom line, this is...  i know that without the grace of Jesus, i am nothing.  and i know that you gotta love a God who says, you ARE jacked up...but i can work with that if you would just come on...follow me.  
so i guess my point is this (and it is mostly directed at , quit focussing on how jacked up you are and quit portraying something your not!  start focusing on the One who tells you that He can work through you, despite how jacked up you are or i am!  one story in the bible makes me think of this, peter.  peter disowns Jesus 3 times, but later in Acts or the rest of the new read about peter leading a super natural life.  pretty amazing...

just wanted to be a little open n honest today...have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God know all about how "jacked" up we are - I really think his desire is that we move past those "personality quirks" - and just keep our eyes on him. I am so glad God can use those quirks for His glory if we let him. So many times I use these things as an excuse not to serve instead of putting them in gear for God. Thanks for being real - it never hurts - just sets people to thinking about areas of their own lives.