Tuesday, December 30, 2008

year end

it's here...the end of the year 2008. wow! that does not seem possible, does it? where did the time go? what did i accomplish with my time in the year 2008? 8,760 hours...how many of them counted? all of them count, but how many counted? the hope of new resolutions, a clean slate! a new, God willing, 8,760 hours to live out.

this post right here is a good thought for the year end ...err, the new year beginning! I have not done that yet, but I am going to. And one of my resolutions will probably be to procrastinate less...lol

i am sitting here trying to think of regrets that i might have had over the past year, i am sure there are some, but i cant think of any. i have a ton of hopes/goals for next year, spiritual, personal, business...you name it, i have some ideas of goals in mind. i'm not ready to write them down on the world wide web as of yet...maybe in the next few days or so!

i'm off to paint my office! hope you all have a happy, safe, and FUN new year!

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