Monday, July 20, 2009

discipline, envy and honesty

ok, this thought has been going through my head lately..BUT, this is not a thought out post...make sense?

i am very envious of people who are highly disciplined.  that is the honesty part of it...people who work out, run...people who are organized, people who are task and goal orientated....people who are have strong spiritual disciplines.  i am envious of those people.  not the people who can for a season be disciplined...but the one's who set out for a life of disciplined action.

i am not one of those people, yet.  and, to be honest again,  it pisses me off !  i know what is good for me...we all do.  if not spiritually then at least health wise, why is it so hard to be disciplined.  spending money, managing time, setting priorities, spending time on the important things, spending time with the Lord.

anyway...i am envious.  i am thinking through this stuff right now.  how do i become more disciplined?  i am guessing it isn't just as easy as it sounds. if it were people would just react, i would just set a plan of actions and follow them.  the problem isn't the set of actions it is the motive behind the action.  i am guessing it goes deeper into another level.  or i might just be over thinking it...

1 comment:

Fran said...

Daniel - I think you are probably right - motive has a lot to do with it. But I also think we tend to over think it also. When I try to get healthy for the health - I am better than trying to lose weight for a specific event - although it has been a while - so hard to remember on this one. I think to many of my failures have been fueled by guilt - For example - when I really truly fall in love with the God of the universe - my discipline to spend time with him will flow from that. Not saying that is your problem - but know it is mine. I have definitely had seasons in my life where I have been much more disciplined that I am now. Seems like it is easy to let things slide. Life crowds in and we think that is a great excuse - even though we know better. I do know when my relationship with God is on track a lot of the other things in life fall into place. If you figure it out let me know!!