Thursday, May 29, 2008


i have two of the most unbelievable kids. i get so caught up in the moment sometime that i forget about how different they are. and how i have to learn how to communicate with them differently. they learn differently, they like different things, they respond to discipline is crazy!!

eric is the oldest, and he is pretty low key. one amazing thing about him is his heart. he always wants to help/befriend the kids who are not the most athletic or the best at whatever it is they are doing. he migrates toward them and says things to me, like...i just wanted them to be in on stuff too dad. how cool is that? he loves video games, the kid would sit in front of the tv playing games all day if i let him. in fact, we have had to limit his play time at that. he gets to play video games on mon, wed, fri and sat.

kinley on the other hand is the comedian,(i dont know the femine form of that word)(i know there is one, i just dont know how to spell it)she is probably says more funny stuff than any other kid i have been around. she is just a spirit that is laughing most of the time and she likes to be the center of attention. she could care less about being inside, dont get me wrong...there are times when she wants to watch backyardigans, but if she can she is going to be outside! playing, swinging, sliding...picking flowers(dandelions and clover).

i love them both so much! i am blessed beyond anything i could ever deserve...

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