Wednesday, December 24, 2008

the biggest gap

well, this could be the biggest gap ever between two related posts.  i have been out of town with the family last weekend, just taking a break...which didnt end up too relaxing, but that is another post.  and i was in oklahoma working sunday night thru yesterday afternoon.  so, lots of thoughts between this post ,about my new friend mike, and today's post.

here are a few...

i kind of set you up.  you could have read the last post and went, wow...that daniel sure does have a "heart for the lost", he was willing to be in somewhere they serve beer  just to witness to someone...  ok, you probably didnt think that exactly...but you get my point.  
OR you could have thought, wow!  that daniel sure is an cant go around buying beer for sinners and expect them to be saved!  daniel sure is "back sliding", he is the one who might need to be saved...again...  he has been going to that assemblies of God church...  lol

well, i've thought versions of both scenario's.  here is the reality of it.  i almost didn't say anything to mike.  i almost just clammed know why?  sins of commission.  some how in my talking with someone about Jesus, i automatically focus on what i am doing, and if i can be a "good enough witness".  how in the world does one man's lack of a connection to the Creator of everything get turned into something about me and my depravity?  i don't know, that is my answer... i don't know.  but here are two things i think it could be; 
  1. a conviction of the Holy Spirit.  the Holy Spirit could be convicting me of my actions and saying, "hey...what are you doing?"  "you don't need to be here"
  2.  an enemy saying, "you are not good enough to say anything about this Jesus you believe in" "you are a loser and everyone in here is going to look at you like you are a loser if you start talking about Jesus"  "you freak" "religious whacko" ... you get the point
i am not for sure which it was that night, maybe some of both. i don't know!

i think, i have been conditioned to respond to sins of commission, the sins i commit.  i feel guilty, i repent, then i do it all over again.  i tend not to feel that way about sins of omission, the sin of apathy and doing nothing.  i have walked away from dozens of opportunities to talk about Jesus and after a day or so...i stop feeling bad about missing the opportunity.  

i once heard a guy speaking about sharing the Gospel, he shared with an atheist.  the atheist told him that if that were true... if the only way to have life was to follow Jesus, if God came to earth and died on a cross to take away the penalty of mine and your sins.  then this atheist said he would crawl over broken glass to tell the world about this Gospel.  

right after i originally posted about this experience with mike last week, i saw this post on SCL.  it is about what a christian should be vs. what a christian is.  and then, on the same site i saw this video from penn of penn and teller.  

in a season where everyone is blogging,  merry christmas, ask your self... what does it mean to me, Christ came, what does that mean to me?  and, how am i going to tell everyone i meet about the Saviour who came?  

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Gary said...

Darn it! I wish you 'd quit with the "convicting" posts!!!
Really, thanks, that was very, very good. Thank you for sharing and please keep it up.
Merry Christmas to you and your family!