Friday, December 19, 2008

a guy i met...

i met a guy while i was in tulsa wed. night.  i was out with one of my customers and got to visiting with this other guy... it seems almost surreal, looking back, it was totally random.  anyway, we got to talking. sharing about family and past jobs, etc...  and he tells me that he has three girls and five grand kids (he is probably 50).  then he says, one of his grand kids is no longer with us. he died when he was 4 1/2 years old.  a household accident and the little boy lost his life.  i was caught off guard, to say the conversation switched gears is an understatement.  i told my new friend that i had lost my brother 6 years ago and i shared with him the story of how.  he had a similar reaction to mine just seconds before this.  ok...time out now.

let me fill you in on some details.  we are in a casino bar.  my new friend is a poker dealer and i had sat at his table earlier in the night and we got acquainted that way.  when he walked up, i asked if i could buy him a beer...b/c i thought he was a nice guy.  he had helped me out on a few plays and he was good at his job.  so we aren't exactly in a spiritual is pretty busy in this place... but it really is like it was he and i...i said to him, i dont know what you will think about this, and i am not a whacko...but if it hadnt been for Jesus, i wouldnt have made it.  and more than that i wouldnt be who i am today.  and i went on to tell him a little more about me...  he just kind of stepped back and said, "i'm not there yet".  and we dropped it and went back to small talk and getting to know one another.

so, if you are inclined to do such things...  i would ask that you pray for my friend "mike".  i will try and keep you updated on our relationship as time goes on.  i will try and fill you in on more details of this story as i have time.  have a great day!

1 comment:

Gary said...

WWJD? What Would Jesus Do......I'm guessing the exact same thing! Some may want to criticize the setting, but Jesus never spent all of His time in the Temple. He spent it "where it was necessary" to reach those HE needed to reach. Great job, and I'll pray for that dealer. Who knows.....some day he could be dealing in "greater things".