Tuesday, March 10, 2009

methods vs message...

i came across this post from Brad Lomenick, the leader of Catalyst on tuesday morning.  it is a short 5 minute video of an interview rob bell did with a guy named shane hipps.  

have you ever heard someone say, the methods change but the message must never change?  i have.  i have heard sermons preached about this topic, at conventions and conferences where large groups of pastors were gathered.  and i agreed with the statement and the message.  

then, i thought about what shane hipps had to say in the interview.  the method must never change, b/c the method is the median and the median is... you...

this prompted me to consider what is our message?  pastors, churches, staff, buildings, children's ministries, life groups, etc...  in all of this, what is our message?  i mean, i know what it is supposed to be.  but what is it saying?  what does God think of all of this?

i love asking questions and being stretched beyond my normal thought process...
no answers...only questions....!  thus far...


Fran said...

Very interesting - but we really do love our little catchy sayings. Funny how for years we hear and use these things - until someone says - "wait a minute". I have really been thinking on this the last couple of days - changing churches and all. What is my ministry - and thus - my message. I think I have the message down really well, or what it is supposed to be. But it really is true that the message can change with the method - it can be so much about presentation. We hate to admit that - but it is true. I mean - I know I am to love others - but if I do it with a nasty heart - that message is so different. Am I making sense. Going to have to think on this a whle.

Fran said...

Just another thought - how does the motive change the method and message??

dscott said...

hey fran,

dont know if you were looking for a response on your last post or not....but, i have one! i will post it soon...as soon as i can form a complete thought about it.

maybe tomorrow...

Fran said...

Daniel - I am still chewing on this thought also....Been thinking about it a lot. Even read an bit of the book on Amazon. So I will be checking to see a bit more of what you think.