Wednesday, April 1, 2009

am i a terrible person?

i have a small confession to make.  i would rather listen to secular radio stations over christian radio stations.  most days...i don't think christian radio stations are that good.  the dj's seem like they are either WAY out of touch with anybody who MIGHT not be a christian and actually listen for more than 20 seconds.  OR they just try way too hard to be some shock jock christian radio person or something...  

the music is ok from time to time and i do listen to worship style, contemporary christian music from time to time.  a lot of the time actually...but it is usually from a cd or on my ipod.  

i am in my car a lot.  i travel in my car for a living, so i listen to stations all over this area.  not just the greater springfield area...and almost inevitably, when channel surfing in a new area...i can tell if it is a christian radio station before they identify themselves as one.  the way they talk, the music, the commercials, them always asking for money...listener supported in their tag line.  so, by me saying i can identify them as a christian station, to me isn't really a positive...

anyway, dont know if i was feeling convicted or what...just thought i would confess my sins to the world wide  

is anyone with me or am i a terrible person all by myself?


Anonymous said...

... sinner

Tara said...

I think I agree with you on a lot of those points. Can they not get regular advertising money? And if not, is it because they need to step up the programming a bit? I do listen to 88.3 quite a bit, but also a lot of cds lately. The radio plays the same stuff over and over it seems. Although, if they playe Third Day every hour I'd never change.

dscott said...

eric...thanks man! love you!

tara...i have the same thoughts about advertising.

BUT, and i do not know if this is good or bad. if the kids are in the car, i put it on a christian station b/c i know that it is "safe" for little ears...

is that good?

Gary said...

There's the old saying "garbage in. garbage out". If you listen to garbage, then I guess garbage comes out? PHOOEY!!!!!!!!! I don't buy into that. The key is "what'd you do with what'ya knew!" I'd keep "listen'n to the oldies and shar'in yer testimonies!" Poor rhyme attempt but you get my point I hope?

Leslie said...

You're not a terrible person b/c you don't listen to Christian radio, but you are a terrible person b/c you made your wife drive to the DR by herself with a broken wrist! HA! just kiddin'