Wednesday, April 1, 2009

thanks eric cooper

my boy is a little like his dad sometimes.  he is a bit obsessive from time to time.  every since he was little, i am talking like 3 or 4, he has worn his socks inside out.  not only are they inside out, all of his socks are one particular kind.  why?  because the others hurt his feet...

i have always poked fun at him because of this...well, today, i would like to say i am sorry.  i am realizing how brilliant he really is.  i never can find matches to my socks, b/c they are all different kinds.  so, i need to eliminate all but my favorite kind and i won't have that problem.

i told you he always wears them inside out.  why?  b/c of the line at the foot of you sock where they sow it bothers him.  so, when you turn it inside out....your toes have the same smoothness the rest of your foot enjoys!  this morning, i found the pair of socks that i believe to be one of my favorite brands.  put them on, went to the gym to run.  the socks feel really good, except for the toes...hmm...turned them bad boys inside out and voila!  perfect socks! 
it is taking me a while, but i am coming around to his way of thinking... 


Fran said...

I have for years wore some socks inside out for the same reason!!!!

Tiff said...

i told you all a long time ago that socks worn inside out was actually more comfortable, i did it for a while in my twentys, LOL!

dscott said...

fran... i knew you were really smart!

tiff... you are so funny! kim said, i knew tiff would tell you how she supported eric and his obsessive behavior!

1 your 30's, have you found a new trick for wearing comfortable socks? lol